- S. Szymoniak, M. Kubanek, S. Kesar, AI-Based Enhancing of the Smart City Residents’ Safety, International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD), Gdańsk, Polska, 2024,
- J. Bobulski, M. Kubanek, Detection of Fake Facial Images and Changes in Real Facial Images, International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence (ICCCI), Lipsk, Niemcy, pp 110-122, 2024,
- M. Kubanek,, S. Szymoniak, Ethical Challenges in AI Integration: a Comprehensive Review of Bias, Privacy, and Accountability Issues, ETHICOMP Conference (ETHICOMP), Logrono, Hiszpania, pp 75-85, 2024,
- S. Szymoniak, M. Kubanek, Ethical Threats Associated with the Application of Artificial Intelligence: a Comprehensive Review, ETHICOMP Conference (ETHICOMP), Logrono, Hiszpania, pp 221-224, 2024,
- S. Szymoniak, M. Kubanek, Ethics in Internet of Things Security: Challenges and Opportunities, ETHICOMP Conference (ETHICOMP), Logrono, Hiszpania, pp 123-133, 2024,
- S. Szymoniak, M. Kubanek, Ethics in Internet of Things: Challenges and Opportunities, ETHICOMP Conference (ETHICOMP), Logrono, Hiszpania, pp 225-228, 2024,
- J. Bobulski, M. Kubanek, Blockchain Method for Preventing Fake Image Publication, IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData), Washington, Stany Zjednoczone, pp 5561-5566, 2024,
- J. Bobulski, M. Kubanek, Fake Face Detection Using Deep Neural Network, IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData), Washington, Stany Zjednoczone, pp 8631-8632, 2024,
- S. Szymoniak, F. Depta, Ł. Karbowiak, M. Kubanek, Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence Methods for Users’ Physical and Environmental Security: A Comprehensive Review, Applied Sciences, Volume 13, Issue 21, 2023,
- J. Kulawik, M. Kubanek,, S. Garus, The Verification of the Correct Visibility of Horizontal Road Signs Using Deep Learning and Computer Vision, Applied Sciences, Volume 13, Issue 20, 2023,
- M. Kubanek,, L. Karbowiak, J. Bobulski, Detection of Dangerous Situations Near Pedestrian Crossings Using in-Car Camera, International Conferences in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG), Pilzno, Czechy, Computer Science Research Notes nr 3301, 393-396, 2023,
- J. Bobulski, M. Kubanek, The Use of Artificial Intelligence for Automatic Waste Segregation in the Garbage Recycling Process, International Conferences in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG), Pilzno, Czechy, Computer Science Research Notes nr 3301, 389-392, 2023,
- S. Garus, W. Sochacki, P. Kwiatoń, M. Nabiałek, J. Petru, M. Kubanek, Influence of Spatial Distribution and the Type of Material on the Occurrence of Bandgaps in Phononic Crystals, Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences - Technical Sciences, Volume 71(3), pp 7, 2023,
- J. Bobulski, M. Kubanek,, L. Karbowiak, Interpreting and Understanding the Image Using Deep Learning and Imprecise Information from the Monitoring System, IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData), Sorento, Włochy, pp 6183-6185, 2023,
- L. Karbowiak, M. Kubanek,, Using Edge Processing with Artificial Intelligence in Monitoring the Pedestrian Crossing, 14th International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (PPAM 2022), Gdańsk, Polska, 2022,
- J. Bobulski, M. Kubanek,, A Method of Cleaning Data from IoT Devices in Big Data Systems, IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData), Osaka, Japonia, pp 6596-6598, 2022,
- M. Kubanek, J. Bobulski, L. Karbowiak, Intelligent Identity Authentication, Using Face and Behavior Analysis, ETHICOMP Conference (ETHICOMP), Turku, Finlandia, pp 42-51, 2022,
- J. Bobulski, M. Kubanek, Robot for Plastic Garbage Recognition, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Volume 12(3), pp 7, 2022,
- S. Garus, W. Sochacki, M. Kubanek, M. Nabiałek, Minimizing the number of layers of the quasi-one-dimensional phononic structures, Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences - Technical Sciences, Volume 70(1), pp 8, 2022,
- D. Cekus, F. Depta, M. Kubanek, Ł. Kuczyński, P. Kwiatoń, Event Visualization and Trajectory Tracking of the Load Carried by Rotary Crane, Sensors, Volume 22(2), 480, pp 15, 2022,
- J. Bobulski, M. Kubanek, J. Kulawik, S. Szymoniak, Data Container for Autonomous Cars, Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics International, Human Systems Engineering and Design (IHSED2021): Future Trends and Applications, AHFE International, Volume 21, Issue 21, pp 2, 2021,
- J. Bobulski, M. Kubanek, Vehicle For Plastic Garbage Gathering, International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME), October 7-8, pp 1-5, 2021, Mauritius,
- J. Bobulski, M. Kubanek, Deep Learning for Plastic Waste Classification System, Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing, Volume 2021, pp 7, 2021,
- J. Bobulski, M. Kubanek, Data Model for Bigdata System for Multimedia, 3rd Asia Pacific Information Technology Conference (APIT 2021), Proceedings of 2021 3rd Asia Pacific Information Technology Conference (ACM), January 15-17, pp 12-17, 2021, Bangkok, Tajlandia,
- M. Kubanek, K. Bartłomiejczyk, J. Bobulski, Detection of Artificial Images and Changes in Real Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks, 13th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems (CISIS 2020), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing AISC, volume 1267, pp 197-207, January 2021,
- J. Kulawik, M. Kubanek, Detection of False Synchronization of Stereo Image Transmission Using a Convolutional Neural Network, Symmetry-Basel, Volume 13, Issue 1, pp 14, 2021,
- L. Karbowiak, M. Kubanek, J. Bobulski, Comparison the Ultrasonic Distance Sensor with the Lidar in Different Conditions, 4th International Conference on Intelligent Human Systems Integration: Integrating People and Intelligent Systems (IHSI 2021), February 22-24, Advances in Inteligent Systems and Computing, vol 1322, pp 111-115, 2021, Palermo, Italy,
- J. Bobulski, M. Kubanek, Autonomous Robot for Plastic Waste Classification, 4th International Conference on Intelligent Human Systems Integration: Integrating People and Intelligent Systems (IHSI 2021), February 22-24, Advances in Inteligent Systems and Computing, vol 1322, pp 371-376, 2021, Palermo, Italy,
- J. Bobulski, M. Kubanek, Big Data System for Medical Images Analysis, Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems (MLIS 2020), Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Volume 332, pp 71-79, 23-28 September 2020, Seul Korea,
- J. Bobulski, M. Kubanek, The Triple Histogram Method for Waste Classification, AIP Conference Proceedings of the International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2019, (red.) SIMOS Theodore, TSITOURAS Charalambos, Volume 2293, 2020,
- M. Kubanek, J. Bobulski, J. Kulawik, Recognizing Speech Commands Using Convolutional Neural Network, AIP Conference Proceedings of the International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2019, (red.) SIMOS Theodore, TSITOURAS Charalambos, Volume 2293, 2020,
- J. Bobulski, M. Kubanek, Project of Sorting System for Plastic Garbage in Sorting Plant Based on Artificial Intelligence, 9th International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies and Applications (ICAITA 2020), Volume Editors: David C. Wyld, Dhinaharan Nagamalai (Eds), July 11-12, 2020, Toronto, Canada,
- J. Bobulski, M. Kubanek, Design data model for Big Data analysis system, 20th Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, 10-14 February 2020, Auckland, New Zeland,
- J. Bobulski, M. Kubanek, Data Model For BigDeepExaminator, 5th International Conference on Data Mining and Applications DMAP 2019, 14-15 December 2019, Chennai, India,
- J. Bobulski, M. Kubanek, Design Big Data analysis system – BigDeepExaminator, 2nd International Conference on Big Data and Machine Learning BDML 2019, 8-11 November 2019, Chengdu, China,
- J. Bobulski, M. Kubanek, Plastic waste classification system using image processing and deep learning, 7th International Conference on Recycling and Waste Management, October 3-4, 2019, Melbourne, Australia,
- J. Bobulski, M. Kubanek, The enhanced histogram method for waste classification, 17th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, ICNAAM 2019, 23-29 september 2019, Rhodes, Greece,
- M. Kubanek, J. Bobulski, J. Kulawik, Speech Commands Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Network, 17th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, ICNAAM 2019, 23-29 september 2019, Rhodes, Greece,
- J. Bobulski, M. Kubanek, Waste Classification System Using Image Processing and Convolutional Neural Networks, 15th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2019, Gran Canaria, Spain, June 12-14, Advances in Computational Intelligence, LNCS 11057, pp 350-361, 2019,
- M. Kubanek, J. Bobulski, J. Kulawik, A Method of Speech Coding for Speech Recognition Using a Convolutional Neural Network, Symmetry-Basel, Volume 11, Issue 9, 1185, 2019,
- J. Bobulski, M. Kubanek, CNN use for plastic garbage classification method, 25th ACM SIGKDD CINFERENCE ON KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY AND DATA MINING, August 04-08 2019, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 6 pages, 2019,
- J. Bobulski, M. Kubanek, Design of the BLINDS system for processing and analysis of Big Data - a pre-processing data analysis module, Advances in Soft and Hard Computing, Editors: Pejaś, J., El Fray, I., Hyla, T., Kacprzyk, J. (Eds.), pp 132-139, 2018,
- M. Kubanek, A New Approach to Speech Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks, Wydawnictwo Wydziału Zarządzania Politechniki Częstochowskiej, pp 24-30, 2018,
- M. Kubanek, J. Bobulski, Device for Acoustic Support of Orientation in the Surroundings for Blind People, Sensors, Vol. 18, Issue 12, 2018,
- D. Smorawa, M. Kubanek, Biometric systems based on palm vein and forearm vein patterns, Andrzej Z. Grzybowski, Selected Topics in Contemporary Mathematical Modeling, Czestochowa 2017, pp 133-152,
- M. Kubanek, J. Bobulski, The use of hidden Markov models to verify the identity based on facial asymmetry. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, SpringerOpen, July 2017,
- M. Kubanek, F. Depta, D. Smorawa, System of Acoustic Assistance in Spatial Orientation for the Blind. Hard and Soft Computing for Artificial Intelligence, Multimedia and Security. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Shin-ya Kobayashi, Andrzej Piegat, Jerzy Pejaś, Imed El Fray, Janusz Kacprzyk, Springer, 534, pp 266-277, 2017,
- D. Smorawa, M. Kubanek, Comparison of Global Methods for the Image Contrast Enhancement Based on Biometric Images. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Mechanics, Volume 15, Issue 2, pp 137-146, 2016,
- V.V. Hnatushenko, O.O. Kavats, M. Kubanek, Y.O. Kibukevych, Conditions and limitations of digital satellite image pre-processing for the further 3D modeling. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Mechanics, Volume 15, Issue 3, pp 57-65, 2016,
- D. Smorawa, M. Kubanek, Biometric Systems Based of Palm Vein Patterns. Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, Volume 2, pp 18-22, 2015,
- M. Kubanek, D. Smorawa, Verification of Identity Based on Palm Vein and Palm-Print. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Soft Computing in Computer and Information Science, Volume 342, pp 139-146, Springer, 2015,
- M. Kubanek, D. Smorawa, T. Holotyak, Feature Extraction of Palm Vein Pattern Based on Two-Dimensional Density Function. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Part II, Volume 9120, pp 101-111, 2015,
- M. Kubanek, D. Smorawa, M. Kurkowski, Using Facial Asymmetry Properties and Hidden Markov Models for Biometric Authentication in Security Systems. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Part II, Volume 8468, pp 627-638, 2014,
- D. Smorawa, M. Kubanek, Analysis of Advanced Techniques of Image Processing Based on Automatic Detection System and Road Signs Recognition. Journal of Appplied Mathematics and Computational Mechanics, Volume 13, 1, pp 103-113, 2014,
- M. Kubanek, Wybrane metody i systemy biometryczne bazuj¹ce na ukrytych modelach Markowa. Akademicka Oficyna Wydawnicza EXIT, Warszawa, 2013,
- M. Kubanek, D. Smorawa, Wykorzystanie ukrytych modeli Markowa przy weryfikacji tożsamożci na podstawie asymetrii twarzy. Studia i Materiały - Zeszyt 5, Redakcja Jerzy G. Isajew, Wydawnictwo EWSIE, 2013, ISSN 2082-6966,
- L. Adrjanowicz, M. Kubanek, J. Bobulski, Single Camera Based Location Estimation with Dissimilarity Measurement. in Proc. of IEEE 6th Int. Conference on Human System Interaction, IEEE Computer Society, pp 241-246, 2013,
- L. Adrjanowicz, M. Kubanek, J. Bobulski, Motion Estimation in Visual Odometry Under Nonholonomic Constraints and Planarity. Materia³y konferencyjne ICT Young 2013, pp 185-192, 2013,
- M. Kubanek, D. Smorawa, L. Adrjanowicz, Users Verification Based on Palm-Prints and Hand Geometry with Hidden Markov Models. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Volume 7895, pp 275-285, 2013,
- J. Bobulski, M. Kubanek, Person Identyfication System Using Sketch of the Suspect. Optica Applicata, 4, 42, 865-873, 2012,
- M. Kubanek, J. Bobulski, L. Adrjanowicz, Characteristics of the use of coupled hidden Markov models for audio-visual Polish speech recognition. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences - Technical Sciences, 60, 2, 307-316, June, 2012,
- M. Kubanek, J. Bobulski, L. Adrjanowicz, Lip Tracking Method for the System of Audio-Visual Polish Speech Recognition. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Part I, 7267, 535-542, 2012,
- L. Adrjanowicz, J. Bobulski, M. Kubanek, State estimation in simultaneous localization and mapping for non linear processes with extended Kalman filter. Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdañskiej, 20, 5-10, 2012,
- L. Adrjanowicz, M. Kubanek, A, Tomaś, GPU Accelerated Image Processing for Lip Segmentation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Part I, 7203, 357-365, 2012,
- L. Adrjanowicz, M. Kubanek, Filtracja obrazów w środowisku równoległym. Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdañskiej, 1, 185-190, 2011,
- M. Kubanek, Automatic Methods for Determining the Characteristic Points in Face Image. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 6114, Part I, 523-530, 2010,
- M. Kubanek, The Use of Speech Recognition and User Verification in Closed-Circuit Television Systems. Elektronika. Konstrukcje, technologie, zastosowania, 11/2009, 65-68, 2009,
- M. Kubanek, Closed-Circuit Television Systems Controlled by Voice Command. Image Processing & Communications Challenges, 177-184, 2009,
- M. Kubanek, S. Rydzek, A Hybrid Method of Person Verification with use Independent Speech and Facial Asymmetry. Metody Informatyki Stosowanej, 4, 17, 91-99, 2008,
- M. Kubanek, S. Rydzek, A Hybrid Method of Person Verification with use Independent Speech and Facial Asymmetry. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 17, 4C, 423-427, 2008,
- M. Kubanek, S. Rydzek, A Hybrid Method of User Identification with Use Independent Speech and Facial Asymmetry. Proc. of the 9th Intern. Conference of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, ICAISC 2008, 818-827, LNAI 5097, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heildelberg, 2008,
- M. Kubanek, Method of Audio-Visual Polish Speech Recognition with use Hidden Markov Model. Computing, Multimedia and Intelligent Techniques, 3, 1, 87-99, August, 2007,
- M. Kubanek, Method of Speech recogntion and Speaker Identification with Use Audio-Visual of Polish Speech and Hidden Markov Models. Biometrics, Computer Security Systems and Artificial Intelligence Applications, 45-55, K. Saed, J. Pejaś, R. Mosdorf, Springer Science + Business Media, 2006,
- M. Kubanek, Analysis of Signal of Audio Speech i Process of Speech Recognition. Computing, Multimedia and Intelligent Techniques, 2, 1, 55-64, January, 2006,
- M. Kubanek, Technique of Video Features Extraction for Audio-video Speach Recognition System. Computing, Multimedia and Intelligent Techniques, 1, 1, 181-190, June 2005,
- M. Kubanek, Method of Speech recogntion and Speaker Identification with Use Audio-Visual of Polish Speech and Hidden Markov Models. Image Analysis, Computer Graphics, Security Systems and Artificial Intelligence Applications, 353-364, K. Saed, R. Mosdorf, J. Pejaś, P. Hilmola, Z. Sosnowski, 2005,
- L. Kompanets, M. Kubanek, Sz. Rydzek, Czestochowa Precise Model of a Face Based on the Facial Asymmetry, Opthalmogeometry, and Brian Asymmetry Phenomena: the Idea and Algorithm Sketch. Enhanced Methods in Computer Security, Biometric and Artificial Intelligence Systems, Edited by Jerzy Pejaś, Andrzej Piegat, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., 239-251, 2005,
- L. Kompanets, M. Kubanek, Sz. Rydzek, Czestochowa-Faces and Biometrics of Asymmetrical Face. Proc. 7th Intern. Conference of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, ICAISC 2004 - Springer-Verlag Berlin Heildelberg, LNAI 3070, 742-747,2004
- L. Kompanec, M. Kubanek, Sz. Rydzek, Czestochowa's Precise Model of a Face Based on the Facial Asymmetry, Ophthalmogeometry, and Brain Asymmetry Phenomena: the Idea and Algorithm Sketch, 10th International Multi-Conference on Advanced Computer Systens ACS, October 22-24, Miêdazyzdroje, 2003,
- M. Kubanek, Metoda krawędziowania"EDGE" do ekstrakcji cech obrazu ust w technice zintegrowanego rozpoznawania audio/video mowy, Informatyka Teoretyczna i Stosowana, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Częstochowskiej, nr 4, s. 115-125, 2003,
- L. Kompanets, T. Valchuk, R. Wyrzykowski, M. Kubanek, Sz. Rydzek, B. Makowski, Based on Pseudo-Information Evaluation, Face Asymmetry and Ophthalmogeometry Techniques for Human-Computer Interaction, Person Psyche Type Identification, and Other Applications The 7th World Multiconferenceon Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, Florida, USA 27-30 July 2003,
- L. Kompanec, M. Kubanek, Specyfika wykorzystania ukrytych modeli Markowa przy rozpoznawaniu mowy polskiej, Informatyka Teoretyczna i Stosowana, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Częstochowskiej, nr 3, s. 45-56, 2002,
- L. Kompanec, R. Wyrzykowski, M. Kubanek, Zintegrowana metoda identyfikacji/autentyfikacji użytkownika na bazie sygnałów mowy polskiej i ruchu warg, Proc. Intern. Conference IT.FORUM SECURE 2002, Holiday Inn, Warszawa, 6-7 November 2002, Wydawnictwo NASK i firma MULTICOPY, vol.1, s. 96-110, 2002,